Keeping on Detoxing

Here it is my second GSoC blog post! You’ll find some updates and insights about the past two weeks.

Some Smart Pointers… (Part II)

In the last post I talked about replacing Shogun custom macros for memory management with brand-new smart pointers (aka shogun::Some<T>). Unfortunately, my mentor and I had some trouble because of SWIG, the tool Shogun uses to offer multi-language APIs.

The first problem we faced was that SWIG wasn’t able to understand when a member variable was just a Some<> instance and that it had to treat it like a “simple” raw pointer (thanks to operator-> overloading). SWIG allows this feature (as specified here), but we weren’t able to call Some-wrapped object from the interfaces (for instance, when using python, calling a=GaussinaKernel(); a.get_parallel().set_num_thread(2) would result in an error).

To solve this issue, we discovered we would have needed to define %template directives for each of the Shogun classes and override also their operator *, for instance:

%rename(GaussianKernelPtr) operator shogun::GaussianParallel*;
%include <shogun/base/some.h>

%template(SomeGaussian) shogun::Some<shogun::GaussianKernel>;

However, the idea was to make these smart pointers completely transparent for the final user, if he is using one of our interfaces. For instance, if somebody uses Python and instantiates a Shogun’s object, that object will be Some-wrapped:

Python Interface Under-the-hood C++ representation
a = GaussianKernel() Some<GaussianKernel> a = some<GaussianKernel>()

To achieve that, one idea was to wrap the some helper method with SWIG and rename it (specializing it for all Shogun’s classes):

%rename(GaussianKernel) some<GaussianKernel>

but SWIG 3.0 doesn’t support C++ variadic arguments (see the docs), which are needed to make this solution work.

Premature Stopping Algorithms

While fighting with SWIG limitations, I started working on the premature stopping task. I implemented an architecture to permit stopping/pausing/resuming of Shogun’s algorithms. As suggested by my mentor, I used the RxCpp library, which offers numerous tools to implement the observer pattern and to do asynchronous programs.

I extended CMachine with three new protected overridable methods, called on_next, on_pause and on_complete, which permit to define an additional behaviour when the user decides to stop/pause/resume an algorithm.

Here a snippet from the new CMachine.h file showing these methods:

/** The action which will be done when the user decides to
* premature stop the CMachine execution */
virtual void on_next()

/** The action which will be done when the user decides to
* pause the CMachine execution */
virtual void on_pause()
	/* Here there should be the actual code*/

/** The action which will be done when the user decides to
* return to prompt and terminate the program execution */
virtual void on_complete()

I also implemented two public methods, namely cancel_computation and pause_computation, that can be used to check if an algorithm execution has to be stopped or paused. I’ve added also a macro which gathers these two checks together:

#define COMPUTATION_CONTROLLERS                                                
	if (cancel_computation())                                                  

To show you how these new features can be used, here there is a gist with a possible implementation and a possible terminal output, in the case a user decides to premature stop the execution of an algorithm.

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